Studio JCS Arch+
We are an architecture practice that gives shape to a contemporary world through the design of buildings spaces, objects, urban and landscape environments.
We work creatively from the start of a project in a combination of knowledges to deliver full scope of integrated and sustainable design solutions, shaping future.
João Carmo Simões
Founder and Director, MArch OA
João grew up in Cascais. After completing his master’s degree in architecture at Da/UAL Lisbon, he was a recipient of the National Secil Universities Award 2010. Believing that the quality of the environment that surrounds us directly affects the quality of our lives, and driven by his passion for innovation and excellence, in 2012, he founded his own studio in Lisbon. Among his designs are Villas, Apartments, renovations in historic and modern buildings, School Complexes and interventions in heritage. His works were highlighted in the Monocle and Observador Lifestyle magazines and in the books Portugal: The Monocle Handbook and Portuguese Modern Apartments. He is regularly guest lecturer in several universities. He was Assistant Professor at Estúdio Vertical #2 “Stones Are Alive”, coordinated by João Luís Carrilho da Graça, at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (2020).
He is co-founder of the publisher Monade books with a global reach, promoting excellence in architecture thinking and research. His publications include editions on Pritzkers prizes like Álvaro Siza or Paulo Mendes da Rocha. He is author of the book Civitas São Paulo, distinguished for shortlist of the DAM - Deutsches ArchitekturMuseum Architectural Book Award for best architecture book of 2019. He was a member of the Portuguese Council of Architects, the Board of General Assembly (2019-2023) and the National Admissions Council (2014-2016).His work was recently nominated for the EUmies Award 2024 European Union Prize for Architecture. João is a keen skipper, enjoys sailing and photography.
Core Team
João Carmo Simões
Founder and Lead Architect, Architect MArch OA
Daniela Sá, Partner, Architect PhD Arch
Maria Prates, Architect MArch
Joana Orêncio, Architect MArch
Marie Tassan-Din, Trainee, Ch
Pierre-Loup Zehnder, Trainee, Ch
External Consultants Team
João Gomes da Silva, Landscape Architect
Global - Arquitectura Paisagista
António Adão da Fonseca, Structural and Bridge Engineer
Adão da Fonseca - Engenheiros Consultores
Raul Bessa, Mechanical and HVAC Engineer
GET - Gestão de Energia Térmica
Rui Ribeiro, Acoustical Engineer
Amplitude Acoustics
Marta Azevedo, Hydraulic Engineer
Previous Collaborators
Marta Tornelli, Architect MArch
Madalena Roque, Trainee
Vega Solaz Soler, Architect MArch
Marta Onofre, Architect March
Olaya Mourenza Flórez, Architect March
T. (+351) 210 992 319
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Design João Carmo Simões
© 2025 All rights reserved. No part of this website may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the copyright holder.
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture
The Mies van der Rohe Award 2024
Deutsches Architekturmuseum, nomination for the best book of the year
Publications on Our Work
EUmies Awards: European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024
Book — Ivan Blasi & Anna Sala Giralt (Eds.) / Fundació Mies van der Rohe, 2024
Portugal: The Monocle Handbook
Book — About Casa Azul / Thames & Hudson, 2023
Monocle 154
Magazine — About Casa Azul / London, 2022
Revista Património
Magazine — About Janela para o Céu / Lisboa, 2019
Portuguese Modern Apartments
Book — About Lima Apartment / Uzina, Lisbon, 2015
The Order of Landscape / João Gomes da Silva
Book — Edition and Photography / Monade Books, Lisboa, 2023
FEP Viana de Lima / João Carmo Simões
Livro — Author and photography / Monade Books, Lisboa, 2023
Civitas São Paulo João Carmo Simões
Book — Author and photographer / Monade Books, Lisbon, 2018
Folha de São Paulo
Newspaper — about 50th anniversary of MASP - Museum of Art São Paulo, 2018
Álvaro Siza / Museu Nadir Afonso
Book — Author and Editor / Monade Books, Lisbon, 2016
Lectures and Talks

with João Gomes da Silva, Aurora Carapinha, Daniela Sá, João Carmo Simões, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, João Pinharanda, Sérgio Mah
Talk at Maat, Lisboa, 2023

Workshop team Coordinator at Da_UAL Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2019

Talk at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2019
Talk at Da_UAL, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2019
Talk at Lisbon Architecture Triennale, 2019
Open Classroom X Ar.Co – Arts and Visual Communication Center, 2019
CIVITAS / São Paulo
with Inês Lobo, Ana Vaz Milheiro, Daniela Sá
Talk at Kaffeehaus, Chiado, Lisbon, 2018
CIVITAS / São Paulo
with Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Guilherme Wisnik, Daniela Sá
Talk at ITAÚ Cultural, São Paulo, 2018
Inauguration of the project Janela para o Céu
with José Tolentino Mendonça, Luísa Soares de Oliveira
Talk at Capela do Rato, 2018
POROSIS / The Architecture of Nuno Brandão Costa
with Mark Lee, Sharon Johnston and Nuno Brandão Costa
Talk at Chicago Architecture Biennial, 2017
Álvaro Siza / Museu Nadir Afonso
with Guilherme Wisnik, Daniela Sá
Talk at Livraria Cultura, São Paulo, 2017
Paulo Mendes da Rocha / Museu Nacional dos Coches
with Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Fernando Viegas, Daniela Sá
Talk at Escola de Cidade, São Paulo, 2017
Relação – Conferência Pontapé
Lecture at Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), 2016
Viagem: Processos de Construção do Olhar
Lecture at Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), 2014
Prática versus Ensino
Lecture at Da/UAL Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2013